Please take time to read through our Notifications to Mariners

The Lower Bann Estuary is used extensively by a wide range of leisure and commercial vessels varying in size from small dinghies and powerboats to merchant ships.

It requires courtesy and understanding from all users so everyone can enjoy their activities or go about their business safely without causing undue nuisance or creating hazards.

Here are some safety reminders:

All vessels are to give way to and keep well clear of any ship entering or leaving the harbour. Ships are restricted in their ability to manoeuvre in the channel and have right of way at all times

Power Driven Vessels

Keep to the 6 knot speed limit.

(The limit applies from the Barmouth to the Millennium footbridge).

Proceed at slower speeds when deemed necessary.

Avoid undue wash particularly in the vicinity of other valtrex over the counter cvs vessels by reducing speed.

Keep to the starboard side of the channel at all times.

Follow the Collision Regulations at all times. Remember that power driven vessels must give way to vessels under oars or sails (ref. Collision Regulations 9, 10 and 13).

Personal Watercraft & Water-Skiing

Personal watercraft (jet-ski’s) are prohibited in the estuary except with prior written permission from Coleraine Harbour Commissioners.

Water-skiing is prohibited in the estuary except in the designated area between Coleriane Borough Council Marina and the Cranagh Marina.

Weather and Tides

Always check the weather and tides before contemplating crossing the barmouth.

All Vessels…

Must comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

Must not secure to or obstruct any navigation mark, buoy or beacon.

Keep a good look out at all times.

We recommend you read through our articles relating to Local Navigation